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Pornography and Sex Crimes: The Link: the new 40 minute DVD from Australian Federation for the Family. Other Articles:Look, but don't Touch? - Is voyeurism (sexual peeping) in the churches harmless? Is exhibitionism (flaunting it) in the churches harmless? What does the One True God say about voyeurism and exhibitionism? This paper examines these issues. Correcting the Rod of Correction - Many Christian parents have prayed and agonised over how to raise godly children, but they have seen their children grow up and discard the family's faith. Parents have claimed the promise Train up a child in the way he should go and when he is old he will not depart from it (Proverbs 22:6), but the children have departed from the faith. What went wrong? God's promises don't fail so what did fail? This article attempts to answer this puzzling question. Unity in Separation - When God's people become aware that the trinity is not the One True God of the Bible, should they remain in trinitarian churches, joined in worship with Trinitarians? Should they join in the worship of the trinitarian god by singing hymns, saying amen in prayers to the trinitarian god and in celebrating the Lord's Supper with trinitarian ceremonies? Should they be undercover agents, giving a pretence that they hold to the church's fundamental principles, when in reality they reject the central doctrine of the faith the doctrine that describes who God is? Marital Bliss After Divorce - What is the true Biblical position on divorce and remarriage? The Biblical evidence challenges the traditionally held view that Jesus supposedly taught remarriage is forbidden except in cases of adultery. |